Den 19. december - få dage før vinter solhverv - udgav den herboende serbiske komponist Andreja Andric CD'en Winter Solstice på forlaget Editions Wandelweiser Records. Andreja Andric skriver selv om værkerne på CD'en:
"There are two cycles of piano music on the CD.
The first, December, consists of six works. Each piece from this set explores all the possible rearrangements of six notes within a single minor chord spread over four octaves, creating natural interweaving of undulating melodic lines within the same chord. The chord, at a slow, steady pace, resounds in ever new colors.
The second, Meditations (II) abandons traditional notation to describe the music with text only. This work is a part of a larger series of meditative text scores. The multiplicity of voices fits together as calls of different birds in a forest forms an evolving soundscape, and as patterns of fallen leaves on a walkway create infinite tapestries."
Værkerne spilles af pianisten Anita Tomasevich, født og opvokset i Beograd og nu med base på Cypern.
Se mere på pladeselskabets hjemmeside, hvor du kan høre to uddrag fra CD'en.