3 okt 2024

I belong in the woods and have always done so

I Belong in the Woods and Have Always Done So er en Black Metal Opera skabt af Jacob Ridderberg, der udforsker historiske og nutidige ideer om natur, nihilisme, politisk radikalisering og forholdet mellem kunst og propaganda.

Værket er skabt gennem fiktionalisering, sammenblanding, anonymisering og transformation af lydligt, visuelt, tekstligt og biografisk materiale med hhv. Robert Schumann og Pelle Ohlin som ophavsmænd.

Parasitic growth.

Infestation of the soil.
Contamination of the native strands. 

Wounded, haunted by history.
A landscape with almost human qualities.

The seed embodying potential.
Finding nourishment even in death and decay. 

A revitalisation of ancient wisdoms.
The land and its people becoming one.

A timeless reality.
Entanglement and fixation.
Sacrifice and suffering.
Fertile ground for secondary successions.

I Belong In The Woods and Have Always Done So.